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About Flea Away®

Our Story

It is an interesting story about how we became inspired to develop Flea Away. When our dog Oscar got fleas, we shampooed him and immediately purchased a topical chemical flea treatment. We became mildly alarmed upon reading the instructions and product warnings. Then we thought we were overreacting. Of course, the treatment must be safe - we thought. Still, we wondered about the warnings and understood that product was dangerous to humans. Why else were we required to wear special gloves when handling the product? Why were we warned not to permit the product to come into contact with our skin? How toxic was the product to warrant these instructions and warnings? What was this going to do to our dog Oscar? 

So we started our investigation into fleas and various flea treatments. A wealth of information is out there on the subject. We read articles, asked questions, and got answers. As our flea education blossomed, we quickly realized that we did not want to subject Oscar to chemical flea treatment. 

With the guidance and expertise of a team of professionals, we developed Flea Away. We tested and adjusted Flea Away™ to make sure that dogs and cats love it while providing wonderful results. Flea Away is Oscar tested and approved!

Our Philosophy


We understand that our customers are pet lovers, not just pet owners. We recognize that our customers view their pets as members of the family. We believe pets deserve the same amount of love, care, and attention as any other member of the family. Therefore we only use the best quality FDA human-grade ingredients in Flea Away™.

We realize our customers often have very busy lives and we are here to help make caring for their pets a little easier.

Kitty Hug
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